Our Real Estate Investment Program

We offer impressive returns for investments secured by real estate

Review Our Prospect Properties

Prior to releasing your funds to purchase a property you will be able to review our entire portfolio of available prospect properties in an easy and straight forward format,
"The EI Scorecard".
The Evolution Investors Scorecard will have our assumptions about the given property to assist you in the decision making process.

Determine Your Investment

Once a property is selected you will determine how much ownership you want in the project which is determined by how much of an investment you want to make. You will be able to see the available investment options and returns on the "EI Scorecard". Once selected the process will be started, funds will be released and interest will begin accruing and paid monthly.

You're All Set.......... We Do The Rest

Once a property is purchased it is time for us to renovate the property and get it sold. You will receive weekly updates regarding the status of the property that you have invested in. Our goal will be to complete the renovation and get the property sold in as timely a manner as possible, all the while you will receive your monthly interest payment.
It's that simple.

Our Story

Our Story

Evolution Investors began years ago as a husband and wife team that enjoyed flipping houses. Fast forward 14 years, and several houses later, the husband and wife team decided that there was the potential to make distressed home renovations and the subsequent sale of these properties a full time endeavor. Overtime Evolution Investors has been able to develop relationships with realtors and contractors allowing us to quickly expand our geographical parameters which dramatically expanded the number of distressed homes that have made it on our radar as potential acquisitions. Due to this rapid expansion we have decided to bring in investors on a property by property basis to enjoy in these profits with us.

Why Choose Us

mouse over the images below to find out....
From initial acquisition to resale our goal is to get our properties back on the market and SOLD as soon as possible for the best possible price.
From initial acquisition to resale our goal is to get our properties back on the market and SOLD as soon as possible for the best possible price.
Our teams knows what it takes to get the property up to community standards with minimum expenditures for maximum profit!
Our teams knows what it takes to get the property up to community standards with minimum expenditures for maximum profit!
Real Estate is all about picking the right location at the right time.  Our team carefully analyzes market trends and scouts locations that best fit our portfolio objectives.
Real Estate is all about picking the right location at the right time. Our team carefully analyzes market trends and scouts locations that best fit our portfolio objectives.

Contact us to learn about our available properties and investment programs.

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